Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Il est 6h06 du matin et j'ai rendez-vous dans deux heures avec les réalités quotidiennes. Je vais me coucher en essayant de me représenter le contenu du prochain billet. J'en ai assez de m'exprimer en anglais, et je voudrais bien parler dans ce billet à bâtons rompus. Ou peut être puiser dans L'Entretien quelque réflexions que j'entends aujourd'hui traîner dans les cénacles et les livres à succès.
TOUT LE BILLET , POURTANT SAUVEGARDé, A DISPARU ! Il contenait des perles issues de l'enseignement primaire et secondaire et des fragments de l'enseignement dispensé aux ex-cancres à la Sorbonne afin de les préparer à la vie de l'esprit. Le 17 décembre, 5h11 du matin. L'odrinateur c'est comme le piston : quand ça marche, ça marche, quand ça ne marche pas ...
Votre frustré
Monday, 15 December 2008
Seconde Fondation
Prélude à Fondation, Fondation, Fondation et Empire, Fondation foudroyée, Seconde Fondation, Fondation et Terre ... Tels sont, si ma mémoire ne me fait pas défaut, les titres du polyptique impressionnant d' Asimov. La fondation dont je vous ai si longtemps entretenu, commence à émerger des limbes et le département de numismatique est assez avancé.
Un traquenard nous attendait cependant, mon successeur et moi. Contrairement à la Fondation d'Uccle, dont le but et de faire se rencontrer les civilisations au sommet, la seconde Fondation se place sous le signe de l'évolution des idées de l'homme et des outils qui lui servent à communiquer avec lui-même et les autres. Or on m'a rappelé qu'une autre fondation poursuit le même but. Il ne s'agit de rien moins que de la Fondation Bodmer qui fait l'admiration du monde entier et qui détient des trésors inestimables comme la Bible de Gutenberg ou les manuscrits des poetes grecs. Notre tentative faisait pietre figure auprès de ce couloir souterrain reliant deux bâtiments émergents comme deux fourmilières dans un champ. J'ai gardé un mauvais souvenir d'une administration qui avait refusé avec beaucoup de morgue mon offre de déposer dans la Fondation ma collection d'instruments d'écriture, alors la première au monde. Si ma proposition avait été acceptée, elle serait aujourd'hui indemne alors qu'elle a été volée en 2001 au cours d'un cambriolage sanglant.
Il était donc nécessaire d'innover de telle sorte que les deux organisations soient à l'abri de toute comparaison.
Je me suis alors appuyé sur une base théorique et deux idées pratiques.
La base théorique
Elle se fonde sur la mesure de la signification d'un ensemble d'objets. Elle dépend des liens d'intégration entre ses éléments entre eux et avec notre arrière plan psychologique. Or dans la fondation Bodmer, un manuscrit ou un objet n'entretiennent que des relations chronologiques assez pauvres avec les objets voisins et sont souvent dépourvus d'émotion. Au contraire nous avons entouré chacun de nos objets d'un réseau aussi riche que possible avec des objets auxiliaires chargés de construire un contexte passionnant et pédagogique et essayé de les relier à notre expérience personnelle.
La scénographie
C'est une des deux idées de mon successeur.
Un exemple : hier je m'interrogeais sur l'opportunité d'acquérir deux monnaies à la prochaine vente de New York. Hélas elles risquent de dépasser mon budget mais l'exemple en soi est instructif.
La première pièce, clou de la vente représente côté avers un beau portrait de Brutus, côté revers un trophée militaro-naval et la mention du monnayeur : Casca. La pièce est datée 42 BC, soit deux ans après le meurtre de Jules César par des conjurés dont le bien-aimé de César Brutus. Casca, dont le nom figure au revers de la monnaire, porta le premier coup mortel, par derrière.
L'autre pîèce réunit les portraits de César et de son héritier Octave, qui plus tard deviendra sous le nom d'Auguste, le premier empereur romain. La date d'émission est 43 BC, soit un an seulement après le meurtre de César.
Ces pièces ont été émises à un moment particulier, dans un but prémédité. Octave fit frapper l'émission au moment de partir pour Rome où il conquit par la force le titre de consul. Cette monnaie rappelait opportunément qu'en tant qu'héritier de César, il avait la légitimité pour lui.
Ci-dessus : A gauche Octave, à droite César.
En ce qui concerne Brutus, l'affaire est différente. Octave décida de venger César, avec l'aide de Marc-Antoine et livra bataille aux conjurés à Philippes. Brutus était ennemi du culte de la personnalité, mais, travaillé par des pressentiments à Philippes et à l'approche du jour décisif, il comprit qu'il devait apparaître à ses soldats comme un chef légitime afin d'augmenter ses chances de les motiver. Il décida de paraître dans une monnaie d'or, forgée par Casca (le premier conjuré à poignarder César) et à rappeler par les trophées et la lettre L, censée représenter la victoire de Brutus à Lycie ses combats victorieux.
En seulement deux pièces, voici donc condensée une histoire tragique, que l'on peut projeter (à condition que la fondation soit dotée du statutconvenable de club pédagogique) en faisant appel à Jules César la pièce poignante de Shakespeare interprétée magistralement par l'équipe de la BBC et de Time-Life Films :
La grande question est : comment voir une pièce non traduite, en anglais? Si vous connaissez un peu la langue, vous bénéficiez des sous-titres en anglais. Vous pouvez alors suivre sur une édition bilingue. Mais mieux encore, vous vous précipitez sur une bonne traduction et veous lisez l'histoire. Les images raconteront tout.
Mais de vous parler de Shakespeare n'était pas mon propos. Essayez simplement d'imaginer ces deux pièces bien éclairées et leur agrandissement, ces images, étant alternées avec de courtes séquences du film enfermées et visionnées à travers des oeilletons. Voici un exemple de scénographie. Et je puis vous assurer que ce serait un spectacle très émouvant, unique. Tout d'abord parce que ces pièces sont très rares (17 pour Brutus,5 pour Octave-César) , puis parce que les conservateurs et les numismates ne se soucient guère de ces détails qui dépassent leur spécialité, et que les historiens imaginatifs ne connaissent pas la numismatifs. Sans compter que si vous pensez à Hadrien tel qu'il est dépeint par Marguerite Yourcenar, et tel qu'on le cerne dans les monnaies, cela donne à réfléchir. Voici le grand homme flanqué numismatiquement par sa pauvre femme qui dut le subir avant d'être acculée au suicide, et son sigisbée Antinoüs , vous perdez vos illusion. Et puis, à propos de Brutus, songez qu'il s'agit d'un portrait sans complaisance, une manne pour les physiognonomistes !
Le cheminement ludique
Après avoir imaginé la solution scénographique, mon successeur a concocté un schéma destiné à tenir le visiteur en haleine. Il est basé sur la constatation suivante: vous ne pouvez accéder réellement aux objets exposés, fondation Bohr, ou pas. En effet il ne s'agit pas d'édifier une pinacothèque, mais de montrer des monnaies, des livres, des manuscrits... Et ceux-là il faut les feuilleter, le toucher, les faire pivoter, entendre le bruit du parchemin ou du vélin, admirer le grain de ce merveilleux papier médiéval qui ne vieillit pas, frais comme au premier jour. Que faire? Comment résoudre la quadrature du cercle. Mais je réserve la réponse à un prochain billet, car il est 5h57 du matin et je viens seulement de rentrer de l'hôpital.
Mais faites-moi plaisir. Achetez une bonne édition bien reliée des pièces de Shakespeare. La meilleure est celle du Club du Livre parue après la guerre. Avec un peu de chance vous la trouverez peut-être sur Amazone? Et vousn'avez pas besoin de lire tout de suite mais de les garder précieusement. Un jour vous aurez envie d'y jeter un coup d'oeil et la magie vous enveloppera de son féérique manteau et vous fera oublier vos ennuis.
Votre dévoué
Bruno Lussato.
Ce 15 decembre 2008
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Value generator scales – HUMELD
The great french poët wrote : « it’s not the great ideas which moves crowds but the great emotions. »
In fact ideas could be the frame of emotions. The revolutionary formula :
« liberty, equality, fraternity » as contradictory as it could be, was a support of torbid feelings as utopia, jealousy, hatred, negation of personality, etc.
But how define emotions ? Or more precisely categories of feelings, which can move crowds as individuals ?
To know it, you must like a child ask the question : why ? until you have the answer : « I don’t know » or « it’s like this » or « because it’s what I want », or « I want this because I want it ».
A long lasting and painstacking survey could reduce the various kind of motivations which push people to act, to six primary scales.
I used for that, factorial analysis that i learned and practized during years when I was a student at INNETOP, (to day Institute of industrial psychology).
It is not the place, in this popularized talk to detail the method but anyone can understand the result of this reduction.
The individuals acts according to six scales, each one being an oriented vector, having a negative pole and a positive one - between the (+) and the (–)pole, we can have many hues like for example a neutral pole (o) (neither-nor), and intermediary values. A scale who admit only the two pole is said « dichotomic » and denotes a special, fanatic way of thinking. « Either black or white, you’re my friend or my enemy ! »
Continuer à lire "The december 11 papers"
Sunday, 7 December 2008
The metasystems theory II
This is the title of the book of Richard and Ogden about the various definitions of the word, which are as numerous than those of the word "system".
The general concept of meaning deals with De Saussure statement about the nature of language. For the first and the greatest pioneer of the linguists, a word as a sentence, a symbol or a sign, are like the both sides of a sheet of paper : the first is the signified SG the second the signifier SN. When you cut the sheet with scissors you cut in the same time the two sides.
The signified SG bears the meaning. It is the object itself: a cow, a headache, your mother... The SN is what stands for the signifier : the words [COW] or [MUCCA] or [VACCA] or the drawing of a cow... or the sentence [MAL DI TESTA],or [MAMMA], [MUTTER] etc... The SN can be too a statue, a drawing, a painting, a symbol etc.
In the set theory the relations between the SG and the SN is named a mapping and the various kind of mapping describe approximatively the typologies of meanings.
The systems theory add complexity to the concept of mapping, because one's consider not only the mapping between the elements of the first and second set, but too the mapping of the relations (structure or characteristic). In other words, the relation between the word (or the model) and the thing, can vary from a purely conventional (code) to a trompe-l'oeil which leads to fraud and deceit.
You remember perharps that there was in ancient Greece a contest between Phidias the greatest sculptor of the classical style and another talented artist. The day of the contest, two paintings were exhibited, both hidden behind a red curtain. The Phidias challenger pulled the curtain of his masterpiece, and a magnificent bunch appear, so lifelike that very soon the painting was covered by a lot of birds, which wanted to pick up the grape. Under a thunderous applause the triumphant artist summoned Phidias : open your curtain, and show us if you can surpass my tour de force! But Phidias did not move and the curtain was closed. "Draw the curtain! " protested the assistance. Phidias told them : it is the painting you see, the curtain is the painting. If my challenger deceived birds, I deceived men.
As I tried to tell it, this story is revealing of the present mix up of reality and fiction. More and more, people confuses virtual images and facts and reality. But the birds could not eat painted grapes, and you cannot grasp the feeling and humanity which permeates the on-live concert or the real love. Pornography on the screen kills sensuality and even sex.
I would like to give you another revealing example of the confusion between reality (the Signified) and the model which stands for it (The Signifier).
You know what voodoo is. A shaman or a wizard moulds the image of an enemy. This small statue is the model of the real man. When the wizard drives a stake into the heart of the figurine with a long needle, the enemy will be felled by a heart attack, and in a similar way if it is the brain that is touched, the enemy could be struck by a brain desease.
It appears when we believe that the word (or the symbol) could retain properties for the thing. I.e. that when the reality could be substitued by a mediator. Alfred Korzybski and S.E. Hayakawa, were the most celebrated researcher in the field of the discipline named Semantics which explores the relations between the signs and symbols and what they represent. General Semantics, founded by Korzybski, struggles against the pitfalls of abstraction. He points to an object and declares : "Don't say this is a pant, show it with your fingers! The meaning is not the word, it is the thing!"
An American told ten years ago to a japanese engineer : "You're great! You get a computer for the price of a steak. " The japanese answered smiling : "We are miserable. We sell a steak for the price of a computer! But nobody can eat a computer!"
One of my colleagues at Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers, in Paris, the celebrated Jacques Lesourne, a national glory, made a scandal. He claimed at his inaugural lesson, that one of factor of success in a entreprise was the quality of the management. For the economist orthodoxy, only external measurable factors were admitted. Dogma was most important of common sense, not to speak of reality.
Nothing is changed in the magic world of finance and of economy. In a study of monetary evolution, in the last papers, I demonstrated how the link between the sign (the coin or the numerical computerized statement) was built, then enriched by aesthetic and propaganda values, until the money unit was deprived of all its substance. The gold standard which insured the link between the signifier (the coin, or the numerical computerized statement) and the signified (the gold, military power,worldwide domination, industrial wealth) or, in the archaïc era, between 650 BC, a bull, a wife or two slaves.
When the US had to affront the enormous expenditures of Vet-Nam war, all the gold of Fort Knox was in shortage, it was not sufficient enough to insure the convertibility of dollar in gold. Instead of stopping the war, or reduce government and military expenditures, they decreed the breaking of the semantic link between Signifier and signified. (Bretton Woods, 1944)
Henceforth the meaning of a signifier was a signifier! They could print banknotes ad infinitum .
To tell the truth, the signifier doesn't always stand for another signifier, but with a virtual, ghostly signified. For example, the counterpart of the banknote, is not the gold or any physical good, but hope of future huge benefits, the conviction that the country cannot collapse, that monetary system will be inescapable, that, as all wants the monetary worldwide organization it will be eternal.
Unfortunately this is wishful thinking. Nowadays, the states are in bankrupcy, and rich of debts. The computer and electronic industry don't creates any wealth, but the hope to reduce costs, hope all the time deceived. The Central Banks don't help producers of real wealth, as cars, houses for middle class, schools or planes, but bankers which are responsible of present state of affairs. If technology is well oriented with sustained development, it degenerates with internet, gigantic servers etc...
A proof of the artificiality of the economic system, is that it plays with soap bubbles. A pinprick is sufficient to reduce it at a vacuum cleaning state. Consider the Lehmann Brothers case. The hatred of two men, was enough to get rid of a prosperous bank 150 years old. Years of dedicated work and ultracompetent employees were destroyed in few days. What remained was empty space, complete vacuum. Why?
It is because the vacuum was yet in the bank, as in other banks. The activity of the bank represented figures, numbers, accounting units, not anything you could touch, feel, eat or use for your pleasure and every day life.
It would be much more difficult to get rid of machines, ground, in a car factory! Hatred would be not sufficient, the only thing it would do, is a transfer of share holders. The material goods and services would leave a trace.
Bruno Lussato
Friday, 5 December 2008
The metasystems theory
President Herriot told us than culture is what it remains when you have all forgotten. I believe that the foundations and basic roots of systems theories are buried somehere in my brain, but I forgot them. I studied them as a student, then during my pilgrimage to laboratories of such geniuses as Herbert Simon, or Pr. Forrester, and in fine, as an adjunct professor in the S cube (Social Science Systems) at the Wharton School, Penn. This paper concerns an idea about what is a System, the system approach, and the essential I retained of this enormous amount of information, I gathered during my encounters with the great founders of the systemic approach.
There are more than 80 définitions of the concept from the most general (Klir and Valach) onto the most elaborate (Stafford Beer,my collegue at Wharton).
A System S results from the coupling os an Universum U and a characteristic A.
U is the population of the system, ie the number of elements which composes the system. A is the number of relations which interwines the elements of S. When each element is related to all the other elements, A is saturate and the graph which formalize it is strongly connected.
It is the product of A and U. C= A x U. In other terms, complexity increases when the population of a system and/or the number of connections increases too. For example, when one's ages, he loses neurones : U decreases. But the connections which integrates each neurone to all the others increases considerably. (Of course not in such illness as Alzeihmer's disease). Another example is the complexity of our planet. Not only population is exponentially growing, but the number of connections, thanks to internet, telephone and TV, growth even quicker, the result being a tremendous increase in complexity.
The Teilhard de Chardin disciple Lecompte du Nouÿ was the author of a revolutionary théory. To make a long story short let us affirm that when you cross a threshold toward an infinite dimensional change, new properties emerges. And not gradually but suddenly. Infinite decrease in weight and size, transform our classical experience, in quantum physics. Fishes are soluble, you're simultaneously here and everywhere in the galaxy, your cat is alive AND dead. Impossible ro understand for common brains. And don't forget that such a radical change appears at the treshold of 1014 grams, without transition, in one instant. Such behavior is called a discontinuity.
Another discontinuity appears when you reach the infinitely large distances. What emerges is relativity theory, no less disturbing than Quantum theory. How is it possible to think that when few days are lived by an austronaut, one hundred years passed on our planet?
The last discontinuity, but not the least, concerns the crossing the threshold of complexity. A new property emerges brutally in three steps:
1. when inanimate matter becomes complex, due to intricate loops of reactions, life appears.
2. The second step concerns brain complexity : the cousciousness is the result. A cow is conscious of its surroundings.
3. The third step appears with the increase of the complexity of the brain, self consciousness appears. The man is conscious, and he is conscious that he is conscious.
We must attribute this severe limitation of mind, to the dictatorship of neo darwinism theory. In this doctrine, the concept of change by micromutations by essays and errors is a dogma. Only hazard can change this principle. The genetis and biology engineering were very well adapted to this model, and as they are a enormous source of profit, the the neodarwinian dogma is universally accepted, even if in medicine other paths could be explored.
Nevertheless, there is a branch of knowledge which rejects categorically the neo-darwinian dogma : the palaeontology.
According to new-darwinian doctrine, a reptile becomes a bird by small steps, small improvements. But it is impossible. To fly out of his nest, the small bird needs the concomitance of numerous factors such as the weight of the bones, the proportion between the size of the wings and that of the body, a brain change in structure, etc. If all these factors are not present in the same time, the small bird is unable to fly, falls from the nest and crashes. Therefore the chances of survival of a bird according to micromutations are nearly zero. Jean Stone has written a book about this subject, but Stone is a palaeontologist, not a biologist. That means that his status is much lower!
René Thom distinguished many varieties of discontinuities, that he calls catastrophes. The term is deceiving as all the discontinuities are not all catastrophic for us, but when a scientist don't want creates neologisms, he uses old terms in a specific ways. Instead creating new words for the discontinuity concept, he preferred to use the current word in a different sense.
The most serious catastroph that can jeopardize our civilization, consist in the fantastic increase of complexity due to modern real time means of communication. All the brains are intervconnected to acentral superbrain which acts according to its will and interests. Joël de Rosnay, a popular journalist wrote in his book on systems theory, that a new system : the sybionte, would dominates the world. It would be connected to all the brains of the planet and would control our behavior and our value scales. The worst is that this aristocratic person, links oriented, would like very much the deprivation of part of our autonomy for the sake of public intereste. Instead the ego-citizens, we would be changed in equal citizens (citoyens egaux).
Is such an utopia possible. Are we loosing our power, our human control on events to obey to a superior systems which could decides for us?
I met Forrester in his laboratory, at M.I.T. Professor Forrester is one of the major figures of the realm of the system approach. He was a gentleman farmer and became immensely rich with his discovery of the tores memory. But his enormous fame came from his book Industrial Dynamics, followed by Urban dynamics and World dynamics.
As a representative of the system theory, Forrester was a powerful opponent to the tenants of system analysis. The systems analysis approach declares that to know an organization, you must study with the greatest décision, as painstaking as it can be, each of the elements which intervenes in its functioning.
On the contrary systemic approach put the emphasis on the relations. The behavior of a systems is therefore defined by the structure of its relation agencement. Forrester considers an organization as a fitting of elements and of channels animated by five sort of lows: monetary,(financial flows) capital (machines, land, etc), machine (computers, robots, etc), manpower (number and level of employees) and... psychologicological (motivation, creativity, ambiance, courage, entrepreneurial spirit etc.). All these elements and these channels where defined by complex level and flow equations. But the complexity of the system was fast growing with the predominance of positive or negative feed-back loops at such extent that thousand and millions of equations were necessary to calculate the behavior of the systems.
Instead of undertaking such an impossible task, Forrester had the idea to built a system homomorphous (i.e. analogical and simplified) of the actual system. Simulation and mapping, find their roots in this novation. Moreover, Forrester studied the way to design a cybernetic system, who could function eternally, craeting and destroying life, in a close cicuit and elaborate loops of feedback. He called ECOLOGY the designing of such systems, similar to Earth natural regulation.
I described the man who was facing me, a young student without prestige. And the professor was tall, blue eyed, staring at me with a metallic glance, reinforced by very fine silver-rimmed spectacles. He confessed that he was very embarrassed to define the psychological flows, and he coul'd not attend any cooperation with psychologists, awful people!
He was furious against Pears and Meadows, charlatans that claimed the end of the world for the end of the century, on the bais of a small model of 1200 equations Appointed by Club de Rome, presided by Aurelio Peccei, president of Fiat, they write a book which had an enormous influence, up to now : Halte à la croissance! , stop the growth ! His predictions were false but they influenced films as Space Odissey, Matrix, Green Soyeland, or Brazil. They wher among the generators of the ecologist movement, and of long-lasting devlopment current.
Of course, the predictions of Pears and Meadows about the shortage of energy and gaz oil resources, appears today to be utopian and even ridiculous. But they had a positive consequence : to stress the importance of nature and the emergence of negative outcomes of non controlled industrial growth.
To day, the predictions of the Club de Rome are false, but the warning was correct. The loss of control of the financial and industrial growth is the result of a generalized dispise of our leaders for nature and its cycles.
We can predict two steps in what we can whithout exaggeration the final end af a world. 1. The disaster. 2. The catastrophe.
1. The disaster. It is already at our door. The industrial tissue is in complete recession and the liquid assets are important. With ten thousand dollars you can afford to control one hundred more shareholdings tha, a year ago, and we do not know when it will stop. The result is a loss of liquidities and a strong deflation. It is a real disaster for our industrial richness and such domains as employment, medicine, freedom of change, and even real goods like gold. (It could be prohibited, or its value artificially drop by injection of gold in the market bay central banks).
2. The catastrophe. The liquidity assets are only papers, like currency and money. Their value comes bay what they represent. Now, we now that if in the past they stand for gold, industries and physical wealth, today they stands for themselves. And what they represent is worst than nothing: they stand for considerable debts and abyssal losses of value. So in the final step, both shares and money, will have no value. Violence, amazment, revolutions, change in societal behavior, bartering economy, will succed to recession.
Yes. But we must before understand the logic of the two staps and that is difficult because our education and our common sense prevent us to evaluate them honestly. We must considerate that the crisis is not of the same nature than in 1929. Today there is no sanctuary, no country to help us. Another consideration is to accept to struggle against one of the main factors of the crisis : the globalization. We must accept to destroy integration and cut the links and the generalization of real time communications.
But there is another main factor of the crisis: the universal loss of meaning and the limitation of the value system to pleasure and utilitarian short term scales. This will be the subject of the second part of this paper.
Good Night and dream to a better wisdom for the world leaders.
Bruno Lussato.
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Compte rendu d'exposition
Chers amis,,
je viens de rentrer de Genève,où comme je vous l'ai dit se tenait la plus prestigieuse et ... la plus luxueuse des ventes de monnaies. Les prix étaient inouïs et suscitaient l'hilarité des badauds qui se moquaient des spéculateurs et des gogos qui se faisaient gruger par les organisateurs. On trouve ainsi lors des évènements qui sortent de l'ordinaire des gens, qui sans rien y connaître, portent des appreciations malveillantes.Goethe leur a répondu à propos du livret de la Flûte Enchantée qui suscitait le mépris des connaisseurs : il faut plus de talent pour louer que pour critiquer. Plus à propos, Galbraith décrivant le seuil de pauvreté absolue, décrivait les indigents voyant passer les riches et se gaussant d'eux.
Mais les centaines de professionnels, marchands et collectionneurs expérimentés ne riaient pas lorsqu'ils voyaient les pièces, et ils n'avaient rien des gogos ou des spéculateurs dont parlaient les envieux. L'effet des estimations très élevées imprimées sur le catalogue d'une vente de Zurich, (de 70 000 FS de départ à 360 000 obtenus pour un lion de Syracuse) fut de faire sortir au grand jour des pièces d'une qualité et d'une rareté jamais vues. Dans les ventes habituelles, telles celle qui va se tenir en Janvier à New York, on trouve toujours une à trois pièces de haute qualité. Mais dans cette vente pratiquement TOUTES les pièces étaient d'une qualité parfaite et d'une rareté extraordinaire.
J'ai profité de la présence de M. Burgan et du représentant d'un de ses clients pour voyager en Jet privé, ce qui est bien agréable et fait économiser pas mal de temps. Les séances se tenaient à l'Hôtel Beau Rivage, où étaient descendus les participants (souvent des professionnels n'ayant pas les moyens de s'offrir les pièces mythiques, mais voulant jouir du spectacle)
Claude Burgan perplexe. Va-t-il lever discretement le doigt?
Les demoiselles chargées de prendre les enchères téléphoniques.
Une vue de la salle. Il est interdit de la photographier autrement, pour des raisons d'anonymat et de discretion.
Il a été impossible d'enlever la pièce, l'enchère ayant dépassé les deux millions de FS, soit avec les frais, 2 millions d'euros. La rumeur veut que ce soit le Marquis Gontrando-Archibaldo dei miei Stivali, présent dans la salle qui luttait contre le commanditaire de mon ami Burgan. Généralement il ne collectionnerait que des pièces en or, mais il aurait fait exception pour cette pièce vedette, le clou absolu de la vente.