Wednesday, 11 February 2009Le journal du 11 février 2009Rétroliens
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Cher Professeur, je suis heureux de constater que vous avez à nouveau passer cet obstacle. Vous êtes d'une vivacité incroyable. Je me profite de ce commentaire pour vous soumettre ce petit lien : .Je pense qu'il vous intéressera. Reposez vous bien
" ... systématiquement gavés par les médias, systématiquement entraînés au moche, au médiocre, sous la déferlante américaine."
I'm sorry to change the subject and appear defensive, but there's a method to my maddness
There is something good that's American ... even something about our brash and arrogant nature, which easily goes back 100, 150, 200[?] years. American was a melding of the cultures, many good things from the variety of peoples who found themselves here
The negative thing about today's culture has something to do with the media's desire to take the easy road and appeal to:
the lowest common denominator
and our "political correctness" born, among other things, of the feminist movement of the 60s and 70s.
I believe that we'll find our way and contribute positively to the world again.
But blame our media, not America or Americans
or If one must blame Americans, blame our pure nature and gullibility
We're good people bonded equally together with a document left virtually unchanged from when it was adopted in 1787. Our constitution was influenced by the French intellectual Charles Montesquieu, and our revolution to break away from British rule helped inspire France to break from her oppressors.
As our country was formed it was influenced by people like Alexis de Tocqueville, who warned of the tyranny of the masses we may both (US and France) find ourselves effected by
In turn we saved France from domination by the Germans, and although France has lost her power in the world, French intellectuals shouldn't have lost their ability to influence our direction.
Are there any such intellectuals?
I hope the future will paint a different picture, and allow history to remain a repetition of what began over 200 years ago, but not the last few.
That, my friend, is one reason Holy Skate has a skyrock account, and no internet presence in any other foreign country.
Sage (of Holy Skate)
Holy Skate!
1621 w 25th st #33
San Pedro, CA 90732 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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à propos Sun 05/06/2011 à 13:23
Intéressant tout ça! Je vois l
e morceau d'une toute autre fa
çon maintenant.
Mais j'ai ju
ste une question:
Comm [...]
à propos Thu 12/05/2011 à 22:20
Voici un commentaire sur ce si
te, qui va dans le même sens q
ue cet article :
http://www.m [...]
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à propos Sat 18/12/2010 à 11:47
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