The second Foundation
The scope of this paper, is to define what would be such a foundation. I mean a foundation that would be both the opposite ad the complement of the Uccle's foundation. The sponsor of this small foundation is the Institute of System's Development, ISD-Geneva © but I'm doubtful as it concerns the financial and cost side. Although the maintenance costs are extremely low, the invested capital would be very high according to the small size of the exhibition rooms. This is due to the expensiveness of the collections. On the other hand, the foundation could attract sponsors because it's financial schok-proof. In fact he value of its objects is less affected by a monetary disaster, that most of other investments Irreplaceability indicator ii is high. (ii indicates the uniqueness and the importance of a good).
Antoni Tàpies: imaginary writing
Like the first Foundation in Uccle (Belgium), the second Foundation ultimate goal is to open the mind of ordinary people as well as experts, but it calls to intellect and history of human thinking rather to feeling, aesthetic sense and spirituality.That comes from its scope. In fact the departments of the second formation are numismatics, calligraphy, evolution of writing and printing processes, from the first manuscripts and books of hour to the Grolier library in witch every book harmouniously combines an apex of superior bindings, of genial printing and paper, and excellence of texts. To possess a Grolier Book is a honour for a public library, and the second foundation has three of them, collected during half a century.
Above : Zantani, numismatic plates. From Grolier library.
Another very important department of the second foundation consist in a gathering of major books, first edition in their first printing. Most of them are as legendary as the theories of Copernicus and Galileo Galilei, or the letter of Colombo to the king of Spain, announcing the discovery of America. We have too some masterpieces like the first illustrated edition of Dante Divina Commedia with the complete engravings of Botticelli, done for this edition. The illustrated manuscripts are also of a impressive quality, like the Alexander conquests.
Above, Quinte Curce, history of Alexander the Great. Ca.1460, manuscript on paper.
As unexpected as it can be, most of the visitors are more impressed by an illustrious book or a book of hours than by a virgin of the XIIth century ! . Therefore, the public of the second foundation may be more numerous than the first foundation one's.
Above, Copernicus, first edition, first printing. 1542.
The second foundation is physically too small to permit seminars or mass manifestations. as the first one. But it receives scholars and educated people who want seriously improve their knowledge.The ambiance is very convivial and evokes the silence and humility that you could find in old monasteries.
The only personnel of the second foundation consists of two educated and enthusiastic guides, which are too responsible of the cleanliness of the place, an an administrative half time, competent and fond of our institution. I experimented such a low costs organization in my former Center of Montfort l'Amaury, and it worked perfectly well.
The nodes (or poles) and the lines.
Unlike the first foundation, there are not such a concentration of specialized objects to compete with great institutions as the Getty's. For example in the first Foundation we have a japanese Mingei department, which aims to completeness and competition with european museums. Thus we have no specialization on Greek coins, like the Alpha Bank Collection, but only a line, which allow to compare the evolution of monetary system, as a metaphore of our crisis.
In spite of its low costs of maintenance, and its small scale, the foundation is very expensive. For instance the Gutemberg Bible, when it is available, is worth 40 millions of euros. Our strategy is responsible for these high investments. To attract people and command respect of specialists, we must acquire unique or very rare items like the Grolier's or the Divina Commedia illustrated editions. (No exemplar in private hands.
Above : Bill Viola handwriting.
The costs of such an investment, that in spite of its stability, exceeds the budget of ISD, unless we find a miracolous sponsor !It's why I prefer to call this small Foundation, an utopia.
Do you want to help me? I need only some millions of euros. Thanks and good night.
Bruno Lussato