De retour de Madagascar, le couple Kira Perov et Bill Viola ont dû s'aliter une semaine avant de répondre à leur courrier. Madame Perov a ajouté de photos qu'elle a pris elle-même et qui sont toujours inaccessibles..
Dear Bruno,
We are still overwhelmed by the visit with President Sarkozy in the Elysées Palace and the wonderful opportunity to meet M. Claude Guéant, M. Cyril Goubet and Catherine Pégard over lunch afterwards. We were impressed by both their unpretentious friendly manner and their cultured intelligence. What an extraordinary experience for us all, and it was especially touching that our two boys, Blake and Andrei, were included. Bruno, we cannot thank you enough for this special experience and great honor. We are very humbled by your generosity and deeply admire your passion for art and life. We will never forget your impromptu recital of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata in your home! We feel fortunate to have met you at this time in our lives, and look forward to the next time we will meet.
We left France with concern over your health, and we hope that everything has gone well with your medical tests. Please let us know how you are doing. Did you receive the DVDs that we sent to you from our hotel? We will send you the catalogues and books we promised in a few days. I have attached some photos from our visit and trip to Madagascar, which was also extraordinary. Please give our warmest regards to your sister Marina, who is also a very special person. We wish you both all the best for a happy and healthy New Year in 2008, filled with new experiences and knowledge.
With warmest regards,
Bill Viola and Kira Perov
Kira Perov a fait des séries de magnifiques photos de la famille Viola avec Nicolas Sarkozy. Il est impossible de les transférer. Je décide donc de les imprimer avec les cartouches toutes neuves que vient de m'apporter mon ami Hans. Je lui ai donné toutes les références. Je les insère dans le logement. Elles ne fonctionnent pas. Elles sont pourtant exactement identiques aux habituelles MP600, mais elles ne s'insèrent pas. Comment s'apercevoir de la différence? Dans la mention pour/ il manque la mention minuscule mp. 600 ce qui fait que le réservoir d'encre ne peut être reconnu. Voici encore trois heures perdues. Attendons demain Dyan !
Conclusion. Comment voulez-vous que le malheureux vendeur s'en tire sans un oeil de lynx, un balayage fin des moindres pattes de mouches des mentions écrites sur l'emballage, en définitive une attention sans faille? Le fournisseur impose des contraintes démentes. -
Faux , c'est la faute du vendeur qui n'a pas prêté attention aux numéros!
-- p.s. Sorry this has taken so long for us to write, but after we returned from Madagascar, Kira and I became ill for more that one week and are struggling now to meet the deadline to move back into our house, which has been under renovation for over a year.
Also, we would like to send a message and something to M. Guéant, M. Goubet and Catherine Pégard. What is the easiest way to do this? Can they be contacted by email and to what address can we send them some books? Thank you.